History-making music group for UMM - morris mn

History-making music group for UMM - morris mn
The UMM men's chorus opened the Minnesota Day program at the 1962 Seattle World's Fair (Century 21 Exposition).

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Win with a sweep flair over Montevideo

MACA volleyball has won two of its last three matches. Success came by sweep vs. Benson and Montevideo. In between these matches was a loss to New London-Spicer. The success vs. Monte was on Tuesday at Montevideo. 
The orange and black prevailed by these scores at the home of the Thunder Hawks: 25-13, 25-14 and 25-9. 
I remember the days of visiting the Monte gym and seeing the big impressive "Mohawk" mural. Monte was once the "Mohawks." Benson is still the "Braves" but that has to be on the way out.
The West Central Tribune of Willmar has "stats not available" for MACA. Not sure if that means they were actually expecting them. I have not been able to type names of any MACA student-athletes yet this fall. The WC Trib continues with its practice of referring to our school as "Morris/CA." That is inaccurate. We all know it's "MACA." 
The Tigers' success vs. Monte was in WCC competition. I do have stats from the Thunder Hawks' side. Janie Miller accomplished three serving aces. One each came from Reagyn Glady, Megan Koosmann, Jillian Magnuson and Jessa Norby. The T-Hawk putting up the sets was Koosmann whose assist total was 13. Magnuson complemented her with three assists. 
In hitting it was Magnuson and Norby each with three kills. Taryn Stenson followed with two, then we see Miller and Payton Howell each with one. Norby was aggressive at the net with her five ace blocks. Anita Brown got up for two ace blocks, then we see four T-Hawks each with one: Miller, Cali Janke, Stenson and Madi Schultz. 
Glady was glad to get some good dig opportunities and she led her team with seven. 
MACA has a 4-6-1 record according to "Minnesota Scores." We're having some trouble at the home gym. 
I can't find anything about MACA sports on the SCT website. Regarding this week's print edition, not only did Hancock get disproportionate attention relative to MACA on Page 1B, the Hancock game was kind of sad in the sense that the opposing team was absolutely dominated, you might say steamrollered. I don't know why the kids on the losing team even choose to keep at it. 
Then again I would say the same thing about players on winning teams: why play football? You only risk seriously hurting your body and brain. Boys keep doing it because the bleachers are filled with fans who cheer them. Boys get the message that the community really approves of this activity. There is a difference between watching football and playing it. 
The kids who lost to Hancock Friday by such a one-sided score should just walk away and find much more productive and safe things to do with their time. It is too bad that volleyball is not yet offered as an alternative. Morris now has soccer. I'm not sure if the Hancock boys would be eligible to come on over and play soccer. Would be nice. 
The SCT loads up its website with UMM sports. This is really stranger than fiction, because if you're interested in following the Cougars (which is a good thing) you can go to UMM's own website and find the sports division. Everything you'd want is there, I mean 100 percent. 
So why does the newspaper drag us through this while putting aside our prep athletes of MACA? I repeatedly bring this up and nothing changes. Again I feel like the "Twilight Zone" character who is the only sane person left in a community that has gone nuts. Morris can be like that. We used to get some nice reporting from Brett Miller on the kmrs-kkok site. I started taking it for granted. Then Brett disappeared just like Marshall Hoffman. 
So why doesn't the station work to try to replace Brett doing this? I guess not enough money in it for the station. Look, the SCT and kmrs should both be pressed by our community. We need to overcome our usual apathy. Do we need smelling salts or what? Our community has a lot invested in its school. We periodically vote on referendums. Besides, sports coverage in the media is fun. That is a bonus. Why do you think I do it? I have done this on behalf of the Tigers going back to 1972.
Elaborating some
Here's an email I sent to a friend on Wednesday:
Del - I looked at the Moms fishwrap at church because the library is still closed.
What does the Morris paper mgt. say to people who say Hancock gets disproportionate attention? I have to believe they regularly hear this comment. So how do they answer?
There is no letup in the paper's policies. The big story with banner width at the top of page 1B with a large photo is about Hancock. And that was a sad game because of how Hancock trampled on the opposition. Karrie said she felt sorry for the opposing team.
The Morris story is totally secondary on the page. Is there only one photo from the MACA game in the whole paper? Not an especially large photo either.
You can say all you want about me, but if I were in my old position I would have treated our Friday game vs. Little Falls as a total "event." I would have made sure Emily Hamm got some acknowledgement. I'd have a photo of the pep band. And I would use dramatic language about all this because it was a real "event" and not just a football game.
But a lot of people don't like my approach, OK. I can just imagine.
The SCT office is in Morris and Morris is a much bigger town. Maybe the gap is narrowing now. The Hancock school has to turn away students. Interesting that the catastrophic van accident did not disrupt its reputation.
Now we'll see how many MAHS Homecoming photos they run, compared to what I used to do.
Anything exciting on the paper's website? They could use the site for game photos and they could really cover Homecoming using it. But don't bet on it. Check "sports" there.
Am I wrong on anything?

- BW
A boost to our whole nation: "CC."
Next Caitlin game
Don't forget y'all that Caitlin Clark and her Indiana Fever play their next game today, Thursday, at the Washington Mystics, 6 p.m. There are legions of people I'm sure who only pay attention to the WNBA this season because of "CC." What a phenomenal impact she has had, just 22 years old. 
I will again look for a livestream. I will watch a good portion of the game even if I have to deal with a little translucent blue square in the middle of the screen, there for copyright purposes. Meanwhile I pay no attention to the Minnesota Twins. I think this frustrates Dan Sayles. 
I often see Dan in the morning at DeToy's Restaurant along with Neal Hofland. Neal is quite attuned to the Caitlin Clark phenomenon. He and I feel that "CC" should have been on "Team USA." CC was actually on a team that beat Team USA. That was the "WNBA All-Stars." I watched that game on livestream. 
Can our U of M Gophers get on board with what is going on, I mean to maybe be more competitive and get more attention? To get out of the NIT and into the NCAA's? I'll share a portion of an email I sent to fellow U of M advocate Warrenn Anderson earlier this week:

One effect of the growth of women's basketball is to put more pressure on the U of M program to perform better. I mean, if Iowa can do it. . . I used to ask why Nebraska football was so superior to the U of M. Surely we are a more prosperous state than Nebraska. But we allowed the "academic" people to have too much clout here. This has been a sea change: the decline in the influence of "academic" people everywhere. They are barely holding on to their jobs now. They don't look down on the rest of us any more, scolding us on our Neanderthal ways.
Remember Jan Gangelhoff? After that happened, I think all of college athletics adjusted things to make sure it wouldn't happen again. Go ahead and treat athletes special, I wouldn't care and my father didn't care. As one commentator said, if you're a Division I football player you are probably spending 40 hours a week on football.

U of M women were awful in the Big Ten last year. We slipped into the "NIT." Yesterday I watched an Iowa "media day" video of about three minutes and again I am amazed: the top women's basketball players of today look so much more attractive by the metric of your typical heterosexual men. I swear all of the Iowa women look very nice and they are top-notch players. Lindsay Whalen and Janel McCarville did not cut it by that criteria. Man, if we only could have held on to that Oldfield coach a little longer, could have won national title. It was so ignominious and depressing how Whalen ended up leaving the U program. It was a mistake to appoint her?

Look how attractive Lexie Hull of the Indiana Fever is. And Clark also. They are not "husky" women. I don't care if the players wear unisex clothing away from the court, I just think it's nice they look so appealing from a male standpoint. Yes, curves and other qualities.

Lots of controversy with the Notre Dame vs. Northern Illinois football game from Saturday. Really, the refs were trying to help Notre Dame win in the closing stretch. Northern Illinois got a 100 percent obvious first down but the refs denied it through ball placement. There should be an investigation. Truth be told, an upset like that is a huge boost for college football's popularity.

Patrick Reusse in an interview a couple weeks ago said the biggest problem with Division I football now is that halftime lasts too long! He was emphatic.

- BW

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