History-making music group for UMM - morris mn

History-making music group for UMM - morris mn
The UMM men's chorus opened the Minnesota Day program at the 1962 Seattle World's Fair (Century 21 Exposition).

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Minnewaska girls surge to 10-2 record

The Minnewaska Area Lakers are on a roll in volleyball. It's been nothing but wins since the Lakeview tournament. Nothing but 'W' after 'W' on the "Minnesota Scores" website. "Minnesota Scores" is such a go-to place for staying abreast of high school teams. 
'Waska even had three wins in the Lakeview tournament while being dealt just one blemish. The loss was to ACGC which must be loaded with talent this year. The Lakers won three times in the Sept. 7 event, over YME, Westbrook-Walnut Grove and Windom. Go Lakers! 
The "mo" kept right on going after that affair, wins over (in sequence) MACA, BOLD, Benson, WCA and Montevideo. All but one of the just-listed matches were by sweep, the one exception being the 3-1 win over West Central Area. Yes our Tigers of MACA were one of the victims. 
Had I a choice, I would be writing about MACA this morning. The big problem is that it's so hard to find timely media info on the Tigers. I can readily report on the Tuesday win by 'Waska over Montevideo at the 'Waska gym. I am happy to report on the Lakers. They're sitting at 10-2 now. They rolled past the Thunder Hawks of Montevideo by scores of 25-11, 25-10 and 25-7. Fans at 'Waska chered lustily. 
Haillie Schulz has been a leader with the 'Waska cause this fall. On Tuesday she performed six ace serves. Berlynn Green and Dacia Fleury each had two, and these Lakers one each: Brooklyn Noyes, Emma Poegel and Kyra Nelson. Schulz was the cog in setting where she performed 21 assists. Nelson supplied three while Green, Fleury and Poegel each had one. 
Look for Fleury to be a hitting leader often. And so it was in the Monte match, as this Laker had the team-best 13 kills. She was followed by Mya Vanluik 6, Emma Hellermann 5, Green 2, and these Lakers with one each: Schulz, Addyson Kath, Avery Lewison and Hailey Wesen. 
An ace block was performed by Lewison. Poegel got in position for nine digs and she was followed by Green 8 and Fleury 5. 
I have not been able to type the names of any of our MACA players this fall. We have been removed from the coverage territory of the West Central Tribune. Brett Miller is no longer at the radio station. We are left with "DeeDee." The Morris newspaper does not utilize its website for covering the Tigers - strange. 
Maybe someday the local efforts can get ramped up again. We have to be patient with our community of Morris sometimes. Sometimes even patience does not work. But nobody seems to care. A friend has always suggested an "apathy festival" for this town. The problem, he explains, is that "no one would show up for the planning meeting." Rim shot.

There is hope though
A week ago we saw the wonderful event at East Side Park where the Morris Community Band performed. Thanks to a friend for giving me the heads-up about this. Law enforcement people served up free ice cream cones. I said "thank you" to the young man even though it is my personal policy to "never talk to the police." I considered the old Morris Police Department to be a nuisance in this community. It no longer exists. 
So the band played from the Killoran stage and everyone had a good time. Lots of Hispanics there and where would we be as a community without these people? Would Republicans insult those people like they insult the Haitians? Would Michelle Fischbach? Our congressperson is joined at the hip with Donald Trump. She makes noise about "Second Amendment" and "pro-life." 
Someone please ask Fischbach if she favors the nationwide abortion ban like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell. Does Fischbach really want to see her gender diminished, not allowed to make decisions even in cases of problem pregnancies? Life-endangering pregnancies? Someone please press her on this.
Whither the Killoran stage?
Cobwebs maybe?
The Killoran stage has been notoriously under-used. "Under-used" really puts it generously. The use has been negligible. I'm tempted to say even "negligible" is too generous. How many years since the band last played there? They weren't even invited to play there in the last year of the old Prairie Pioneer Days. 
Morris can be so fundamentally incompetent about things. We had some spirit when PPD was first created. I was a part of that. Now the summer is empty. I know Kevin Wohlers has expressed concern about this. He felt PPD was a good stimulus during a time of year when things really slow down here. Our community leaders like to escape to their lake places. I fail to see what's so cotton pickin' special about a lake place. 
Is there now hope for seeing a little more use of the Killoran stage at East Side Park? No one took the trouble to arrange for any entertainment there on the night of the UMM welcome picnic. Again, apathy. Turnout seemed down for the picnic. Maybe the event will be phased out. 
Will UMM be phased out? We'd have Trump to thank because he chased away the foreign students who were our cash cow! But if Trump seizes power again - it could happen - the status of UMM might be the least of our concerns. How far will DJT go for "retribution?" Might he implement the guillotine? Oh, this has happened through world history. We are not immune. 
Liz Cheney sent to the guillotine? Mark Milley? And a whole gallery of others? The only thing that might save us from this fate is the "blue dot" of Nebraska. If you don't know what that is, look it up.
Caitlin's season is done
From an email I sent to a friend this morning:
Caitlin's season ended last night. Went 0-2 and they're out of the playoffs. Now the HUGE question is whether people can stay interested in the WNBA. My frank answer is "no." I have no interest in looking up any future games. I feel no attraction to the Lynx.
Lindsey Whalen and Janel McCarville would have been much bigger stars in the Upper Midwest if they had been more appealing with their personalities and appearance. I looked up pictures of Janel from her pro career and she looked totally "butch." If only she could have just grown her hair out a little, have a pony tail like someone else I know.
I keep dropping hints about how the radio station should do more to replace Hoffman and Miller but it's all to no avail. I drop hints about how the newspaper should put more high school stuff with their sports link. But it's all UMM. My comments fall on deaf ears. What is Mongo to do?
You know who this is.
Comment to Yah
oo! News
I share now a comment I submitted to Yahoo! News this morning (Thursday).

Today (Thursday) marks the start of the BIG TEST for the WNBA: if it can sustain increased fan interest with CC having been sent to the sidelines. My frank answer is "no." I'd like to say I'll keep looking up the playoff games on the calendar. But I doubt it. It isn't just CC's talent, it's how she is such an endearing personality. Eat your heart out NYC, she's from West Des Moines!
"Reality Bias" liked my comment.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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