History-making music group for UMM - morris mn

History-making music group for UMM - morris mn
The UMM men's chorus opened the Minnesota Day program at the 1962 Seattle World's Fair (Century 21 Exposition).

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

MACA volleyball falls to 'Waska at home

The "Minnesota Scores" site reports that MACA volleyball has a 2-6 record. The most recent action was Tuesday when the Tigers hosted Minnewaska Area. The Lakers owned the night with a 3-0 sweep. "Minnesota Scores" reports we were in a Saturday tournament at Lakeview with the following results: a 2-0 loss to New London-Spicer, a 2-0 win over Ortonville, a 2-0 win over Lac qui Parle and a 2-0 loss to those Lakers of Minnewaska. The Lakers are a nemesis this year. 
The season started with three losses at the hands of Melrose, BOLD and West Central Area. 
I cannot at present find match details from the Tigers' perspective vs. 'Waska. I think that is a shame. The West Central Tribune of Willmar has Minnewaska details on its website. There is no paywall today. In fact, I have noticed several times very recently there is no paywall, no annoying panel popping up on the screen demanding money. 
Maybe the West Central Trib is weighing whether it is still practical to go this route. I will say this, the paper is totally at the mercy of the coaches and their willingness to call in. I have to believe this is an issue for many of them. I mean, the expectation to call a paper with detailed info right after an athletic contest. A coach might already be stressed. 
And maybe some coaches wonder why the paper tries to make money off the info they call in. I presume the coaches get no financial consideration for doing this. But the paper tries adding to its profits. And from the parents and fans' standpoint, can they really count on every game or match of interest to get covered? 
MACA often plays opponents who are regularly covered by the WC Trib. So the results get in and get posted but with a very disheartening announcement for the MACA side. That announcement is "stats not available." Are they really "not available?" Did the WC Trib actually want them? And so our coach let them down? Or are we just not in their coverage territory? 
I in fact know that we were removed about three years ago. So Jackson Loge was not eligible to be on the All-Area Team. "Retrenchment" is the name of the game for newspapers now. The WC Trib might be weighing if they still ought to force online subscriptions on people. Of course, with a little imagination the info could migrate to many other places on the world wide web. There are templates available or you could start from scratch. I think it would be excellent public relations for the school. 
Morris library in hiatus
I can't even go to the library to look at the papers because the library is closed through the end of this month for work on the building. I suppose all the periodicals that arrive there now will be useless. 
This week's Morris paper probably includes the detailed review of the MACA football opener: the 46-27 win over 'Waska which must have had many special highlights. I would not know what those highlights were. I wouldn't be able to tell you the names of our starting offensive backs. 
The 'Waska football game was two weeks ago.
We are all excited naturally about the game telecasts being on YouTube. I just think a basic text summary supplying highlights would be nice too. Obviously the paper's website is a prime candidate for this. The paper feels that UMM sports should be covered quite fully from its website. But the paper appears totally uncaring about MACA. Man, if I was still at the paper and having to answer for this, I'd be shaking in my boots. I would be in bigger trouble than if I put a "Kamala" yard sign in my front yard. Or maybe not - maybe the Kamala thing would be worse and dangerous. We are totally pro-Trump out here in coyote country. 
Home of Michelle Fischbach who seems to feel that pro-life and Second Amendment are the only issues we think about. We are surely more sophisticated than that. But be careful, try not to show you are really sophisticated because that will really get you in trouble. Just go out to Good Shepherd Church and try to fit in. "Trump" signs are planted in the ditch opposite of Fastenal. Isn't that charming? A man found responsible for sexual assault is charming. 
The WC Trib continues to have the nagging problem of referring to our school as "Morris/CA." That adds insult to injury. It's bad enough our individual stats don't get reported. Then we get identified wrongly. We are "MACA" and I'm proud to have this on my new long-sleeve T-shirt I got at Family Dollar. 
Haillie Schulz
Lakers 3, Tigers 0
OK, the scores from Tuesday night with "Waska numbers first: 25-21, 25-17 and 25-18. Two Lakers each had two serving aces: Haillie Schulz and Eliana Marthaler. Two other Lakers each had one: Berlynn Green and Emma Poegel. 
The Lakers' cog in setting was Schulz who produced 29 set assists. Dacia Fleury stood out in hitting with her 13 kills. She was followed by Avery Lewison 6, Mya Vanluik 4, Green 4, Addyson Kath 2, Marthaler 2, Emma Hellermann 2 and Schulz 2. 
Kath with her two ace blocks led here, then we see Lewison, Schulz and Vanluik each with one. On to the digs category: Fleury 9, Schulz 8, Marthaler 7, Green 7, Poegel 6 and Vanluik 6. 
The Lakers are looking good with a 6-2 won-lost. In section: 1-1. Conference: 3-1. Away matches: 4-0. Neutral: 2-1. Home: 0-1. 
You might want to call the Lakers "road warriors!"
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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