History-making music group for UMM - morris mn

History-making music group for UMM - morris mn
The UMM men's chorus opened the Minnesota Day program at the 1962 Seattle World's Fair (Century 21 Exposition).

Monday, July 15, 2024

It's now a lock for DJT being president

(image from flickr)
All the momentum is lining up now for DJT to get back into power. My message is that we have to be ready. Most often Trump means exactly what he says. He will appoint the most extreme people to be around him. Many of us may not have taken DJT seriously when he talked about putting Liz Cheney on trial. And no ordinary trial either, as it would be in front of a military tribunal. The charge: treason. 
Backed by what? Well you can ask Trump's lawyers. He has lawyers who wear suits and ties backing him in every little thing, looking for every little angle. They'll be happy to talk to Ari Melber anytime. Peter Navarro did, he of the "Green Bay sweep" strategy. And of course DJT and his people were pulling on all strings to stay in power. 
They were probably expecting the 2020 election to be a little closer than it was. Had it been closer, they may well have upset the apple cart with legal machinations. Republicans everywhere would cheer. But do we want all this to reach the point where the Liz Cheneys of the world are put on literal trial? Treason? What is so treasonous about wanting to use a "select committee?" The same way that Republicans would be happy to do, if it were to serve their interests. 
The German autocracy of the mid-20th Century found ways to gradually complete their ascent. I do see parallels with America. On this Monday of mid-July, another day with rain incidentally, MAGA is definitely progressing with its climb. There is overwhelming evidence. 
Judge Aileen Cannon
Trump's sycophantic judge Aileen Cannon has come through for him. She has ruled that special counsel Jack Smith was "unlawfully appointed." If such a ruling was really proper, why couldn't it have been made sooner? But I'm suggesting it was not proper. A Republican administration would unleash the likes of a special prosecutor, if that individual served their interests. 
Ominous Supreme Court
And a huge factor now is the current problem of behavior by the Supreme Court. I use the word "behavior" rather than "judgment" because the court is not exercising rational judgment. So we truly are flirting with the takeover of U.S. politics by an ideologically-driven faction, a faction that will not take "no" for an answer on anything. A faction that literally believes in cruelty. Our "conservative" churches in Stevens County, West Central Minnesota, are pushing for this all the way I'm sure. 
Yahoo! News described the Cannon ruling as "another blockbuster legal victory for Trump." So here we go. And the frosting on the cake is what happened over the weekend: the incident with the shooting at the Trump rally. I will not share what my absolute honest thoughts were, when the incident was completely over. "No comment." 
But as an observer it's not out of bounds to say DJT has a straight line to re-election now. His opponent will now have to be restrained in criticism of DJT. Our impulse toward sympathy will have to be exercised. How strange is this: a bullet makes contact with DJT's head but it only contacts his ear? And from this, a streak of blood across his face? I submitted a comment to Yahoo! News about how the event looked on the surface to be Biblical. That is how Trump's supporters are going to take it - they are already invested with religious Christian zeal over DJT. 
And yes he was found responsible for sexual assault in a legal proceeding. What happened to our Al Franken? The seventh complaint about him was the one that really did him in, and what was the substance of that? He put his hand on a woman's shoulder. Here's how the evangelical Christians would respond to that: to condemn Franken because, simply, he was a Democrat. He's the one who asked Jeff Sessions in a hearing the uncomfortable questions about meetings with Russians. And naturally, DJT has great affinity with the Russian leader right up to today. 
Again, DJT has a pattern of meaning what he says. He was tight with Russia when he was president. So now, after tons of U.S. taxpayer money have been sent to help Ukraine, we are on the verge of putting a man back into place who would support Russia's interests. Even if Russia invades Sweden? Well why not?
Anything Putin wants is good enough for Trump. He sticks up for the autocratic leaders of the world because he is one of them. 
He will get his mitts around anything that gives him power, such as the Federal Reserve. And it's precisely that scenario - Trump usurping "the Fed" - that I think could lead to the very destruction of the U.S. as we've known it. We'll see hyper-inflation. That is exactly what set the stage for the German autocracy of the mid-20th Century. 
I tell people over and over again about the dangers I see lying ahead. Rock-bottom interest rates have led to massive wealth inequality and a class of billionaires who will just want  more. They are scared of populist political movements from the left. So scared, they will take drastic action under DJT to just wipe all that out. You know the kind of drastic actions the Nazis took. 
But you know how the Nazis ended up.
Don't bother saying a prayer because it will be too late. It is already too late to try to ensure women's reproductive health rights all across America. You might say that train has left the station, now that we can see that DJT has all the momentum thanks in part to the assassination attempt. God works in ways mysterious. 
For America to elect a man found responsible for sexual assault in a legal proceeding? Even Ben Shapiro has said he believes E. Jean Carroll. We're not in the same America in which I grew up.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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