History-making music group for UMM - morris mn

History-making music group for UMM - morris mn
The UMM men's chorus opened the Minnesota Day program at the 1962 Seattle World's Fair (Century 21 Exposition).

Friday, August 30, 2024

Tigers off and running, beat Minnewaska 46-27

Always exhilarating to stop by Big Cat Stadium on the night of the first home football game. Whether you approve of football or not - I do not - it is a spectacle. With each passing year there will be fewer of us who remember the old Coombe field. 
Thanks to Matthew Carrington (my tax preparer) who stopped by to chat with me last night. We both have vivid memories of our former football venue of Coombe field. Not only do I remember Coombe Field, I remember Bill Coombe himself. Charming older fellow. You had to like him. Believe me, there were teachers in our system then who were not likeable. 
I had Mr. Coombe for seventh grade history in about 1967. The U.S. was at the height of the Vietnam war tragedy at the time. I believe it's accurate to say the apex was 1967 and '68. Our world got turned upside down in America with young people not only rising up to protest the war, but to question many of our conventions which we felt had fed into the war. I frankly thought the war would never end. 
And later I felt that economic inflation would never end. It finally ended with Paul Volcker forcing us to take our medicine. I don't think anyone would step up today to do that. We are on the verge as I write this of "emergency monetary policy" from "the Fed." Again! What's the emergency now? Rate cuts only increase the odds of more inflation. And it would not happen right away. It would lag. Look out in 2026. 
Maybe you don't care. I'm just trying to give you a heads-up. 
The fans at Big Cat Stadium last night for the opener acted like they didn't have a worry in the world. That's nice if they can feel such contentment. I try to share in the feeling best I can, but of course I am not a parent. 
I am concerned about the upcoming likely specter of inflation (again) but mostly about the election of Donald Trump as president again. It is imperative to elect Kamala not because I necessarily think she's so lovable - it is necessary because we cannot risk having a president who turns the U.S. into a Fascist state. That is always in the background of my thoughts now. 
In the foreground I can share some of the exhilaration we all felt at Big Cat Field last night. We can pray that the bad stuff stays away. Trump has so many voters out here in rural western Minnesota. It would be extremely unwise to put a "Kamala" yard sign out. Don't do that unless you want to risk vandalism to your property. MAGA is all over the place led by a majority of Stevens County churches. 
Do you think there's any chance that any of the Apostolics - any - would cast their vote for the Democratic candidate? It would be a cold day in hell, for certain.

Tigers 46, Minnewaska Area 27
I would have my sleeves rolled up to report the game highlights from last night, instead of digressing to politics, if I could just find some game information online this morning (Friday). It feels like Saturday because high school football was played last night. 
Let me implore you here: we just had a very close referendum on school improvements for our Morris school. We can no longer take for granted that these things will pass easily. A big change. Maybe people are more worried about inflation than they let on. So my point is this: Public relations ought be seen as very important by our school backers. Somehow we must find means to achieve more timely reporting on games, just as a means of public outreach. 
We used to get covered a fair amount of the time by the West Central Tribune of Willmar. Then we got removed. But we should not have to be dependent on that. It was nice while it lasted. The "print" edition of the West Central Tribune was nice while it lasted. I used to consult it at our public library. 
Forum Communications owns the Willmar paper. Is the Forum bitter at Morris because their venture of owning the Morris newspaper did not work out? They just pulled out of here so unceremoniously. Very reliable inside sources told me 1) the Forum never made money here, and 2) the Forum was actually planning to close the Morris paper. 
Today the Morris newspaper survives. But, why can't it do more online? Increasingly, online is all that really matters. I'm sure the coaches have this old "legacy" system of feeding game info to "the local newspaper." Which would be fine if the paper could share all this info via its website or social media or whatever. We will now have to wait until Tuesday to read about the Tigers' big win. But wait, it's Labor Day weekend, right? Maybe the paper has gone to press early and the review won't even be in Tuesday. So that would be absolutely, totally unforgivable. 
The Tigers scored 46 points. I am sure there were many special highlights. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to review the highlights right now, Friday morning. Then I would digress into politics. I'd be focused on the game totally. I first began writing about Tiger sports for the media in 1972. No one else in the history of Stevens County media even comes close to matching my background. 
All I need is more access to game info and I could bang the typing keyboard this morning, alas. But if I'm forced to divert into politics, let me just say that all the local Trump supporters should know that "their man" has gone from being pro-life to pro-choice. This is going to make Michelle Fischbach adjust her position as well. Trump and Fischbach will do whatever it takes to get elected of course.
Addendum: Just checked the KMRS-KKOK site and all they have is the score from last night. Brett Miller used to write some nice articles there. 
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

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