History-making music group for UMM - morris mn

History-making music group for UMM - morris mn
The UMM men's chorus opened the Minnesota Day program at the 1962 Seattle World's Fair (Century 21 Exposition).

Friday, October 11, 2024

Here's hoping an eye injury is transitory

Needs no introduction
Raise a toast to the WNBA? The league might still be looking at a bumpy road even after capitalizing on the "CC effect." We all know what that is. 
"CC" gives us another exhibit of celebrity in America. Obviously it's a delicate thing, like a high-wire act. Once you get into a fishbowl like this, it's a mixed bag for what can happen. Whatever it was that made you famous, you will have competitors. I am assuming that CC has an agent, part of whose job is to guide her through the potential shoals of "celebrity." 
We used to see household names go on the Larry King show on CNN to ask for redemption. Famous people are human beings who can succumb to peccadilloes like the rest of us. We shouldn't act surprised but we do. We want someone like "CC" to be perfect but we know down deep that a slide downward is possible. 
Is Garth Brooks guilty?
You know the kind of things that could happen. Too unpleasant to even cite them here. 
One that would be totally innocent is the career-ending injury or career-impeding injury. We as fans don't feel any of the pain or limitations of an injury. There was the scary eye-poke incident with CC on the receiving end recently. We can sometimes overlook how frail the human body is. I pray with all Caitlin backers that it was a passing incident. 
I think we as fans assume too often that when an athlete gets back on the court or the field after an injury, it's "all systems go." Remember Keith Millard of the Vikings? He had injury issues that may not have driven him out of the game, but he was no longer the player he was. 
And let me cite here the best example for how an injury does not routinely pass. That would be Tony Conigliaro. Pro sports has so many dangers for players - in Tony's case the incident was a "beaning." The biggest danger in baseball, right? 
A somewhat comparable incident happened with our Minnesota Twin Jimmie Hall in the 1960s. That is getting to be a long time ago. Well I'm 69, I remember, I was part of the first generation of young Twins fans who got so emotionally involved in the Twins. Our enthusiasm could get out of proportion. We loved Jimmie Hall. Twins legend has it that we traded original Twin Lenny Green because Hall afforded more power at that position. 
I cite Hall with emphasis in this post because it's a good example of how injuries don't just "go away." In the next breath I must note that not all are agreed on how Hall's career declined. A top theory is that the "beaning" by Bo Belinsky in early-season of 1964 was the cause or catalyst. Other players through baseball history have picked up the reputation of having been permanently affected by such a thing. 
To be a superstar athlete, you must court risks. Could Hall's eyesight have been affected? Or, maybe on a psychological level he developed a fear that affected his normal focus? Getting hit in the head with a pitched ball is highly concerning. 
A resilient attitude, yes
Would you believe Tony Conigliaro of the Boston Red Sox actually had his best home run season after his major incident of getting beaned? First he had to take a whole season off. He resumed play but with mixed success, the highlight obviously being his 36-home run season of 1970. All mended, then? Not at all. Even his eventual death was attributed to what happened to him. 
In Jimmie Hall's case, the beloved early Minnesota Twin made the All-Star team in 1965. The year after the beaning. All mended, then? While we can't know for absolute certain that the beaning took a toll, well-circulated speculation points this way. The Twins of course made the World Series in 1965. It was a major chapter of joy in Twins history. But by the arrival of the World Series, our manager had decided to platoon Hall. Hall the A.L. All-Star was being platooned. And he was being platooned with very pedestrian hitter Joe Nossek. 
What about 1966? Twins fans hardly remember 1966 because we placed second instead of first in the A.L. in a time when only the pennant winner advanced to post-season. Strange. Only six years earlier, Minnesota didn't even have a major league team. We had the minor league "Millers." So in '66 we were second in league and it made no splash. Let's say "anticlimactic." 
Jimmie Hall, popular early MN Twin
And what about Jimmie Hall? Now he really was platooned. His home run frequency went up some but his batting average dipped below where it needed to be for an outfielder. He got shipped off after '66. Then he really bounced around. I suppose teams were happy to sign him in the hope he could find his earlier form. 
In later years, Hall could not be persuaded to come back for Twins reunion events. Sid Hartman wrote that Hall was "bitter about baseball." Well, Hall's prime was before players started getting the substantially increased $ compensation. The players union with Marvin Miller got dug in. Players got paid better and treated better. Because of the $ invested in them, pitchers got handled better, protected from injured arms. Hence the "pitch count." 
I have plunged into all this background about Hall and Conigliaro because I was reminded of this by the Caitlin Clark incident with getting poked in the eye. Pray to God it's a transitory thing. Sports injuries can sometimes be "degenerative." In other words, they can only get worse - that's what happened with basketball player Ralph Sampson. 
Again we must remember how frail the human body can be. My goodness, fans overlook this, don't want to be bothered to think about it. Well, we want to be entertained. We wanted Keith Millard to keep being the bruising defensive lineman. He could still play, he just couldn't play as well. 
Wunderkind's future
So now what will develop with this total wunderkind of America, Caitlin Clark? If she fades for whatever reason, we'll slowly lose interest in her. She has the very delicate game of making the "logo 3's" for which, well obviously, sharp eyesight is her raison d'etre. 
So what will happen? Can she stay on course to being the "straw the stirs the drink" with a WNBA team? That's asking a lot even for someone with CC's talents. Will her sheer celebrity status stay on course? America can do cruel things with its "celebrities." This can happen when we simply discover they are human. CC is a pro now - she's no longer in the college environment where there is a benevolent purpose with how she's handled. Now it's wins and money, baby. And hey, with money comes temptations, pilgrims. 
So maybe we'll have to hold our breath with Caitlin on that count. We wouldn't want her to be in a position like some of Larry King's guests of old, in effect asking for a "second chance." We lost Larry to covid. His talk show approach on CNN was eventually judged to be dated. Sometimes I feel nostalgia for it. If anyone needs "redemption" it's Donald Trump, but this man might be on the verge for being president again. Larry King, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

MACA girls fall 1-3 to Minnewaska Area

Oh no, fortunes have not been good for the MACA volleyball team of late. Ever since the 3-0 win over Montevideo on Sept. 17, the situation has been grim. It's the opposite of how the MACA football Tigers have been faring. 
The MACA girls have two matches remaining to try to reverse course. One of these is against Montevideo which might promise success. The other is against Benson. Benson stands to be a fairly easy foe too, but you never know of course. 
Perhaps Benson should be working harder on upgrading its sports programs and backing off on the school nickname/mascot matter. Benson should have foreseen that problem a long time ago. We can come up with one obvious theory: Benson wants to hold back until the state opens up its coffers with the $. I'm sure Benson is striving to get every penny that it can in the bargain. That's how human nature is. 
A comparable situation exists here in Morris where the school board realizes that referendums are pretty easy to push through. Although, not so easy or routine the last time around. But it passed. As long as these things are passing, you can expect the school to regularly come forward and say they "need" things. I didn't come into town on a turnip truck. 
So, parking congestion is now an issue at the football field? Name me a problem and I'd figure there is a resolution available if the public can cough up the $. So, maybe a proposed new parking lot east of the stadium? Run it up a flagpole and see if anyone salutes it?
But maybe one of these days the local residents will get weary of these demands and just say "no" and tell the district "you'll just have to make do with what you have." First we have to vote "no" sometime. I'm old enough to remember the 1960s when referendums were a totally uphill climb in Morris. 
Keep an eye on ND
In North Dakota there's a proposal to eliminate the property tax! It's called "Measure 4." How would y'all like to not get a property tax bill each year? Oh but the various government entities would have to raise taxes in other ways? Well, then I say "just make them." Make them feel some pressure to cut out the largesse. I'd be thrilled to see that. 
Let's eliminate all public employee unions like even for schoolteachers. Maybe especially for schoolteachers. I have hated teacher unions more than I have hated anything in my whole life. 
Do we really need public libraries any more? In the digital age where you can call up anything to read for your enrichment on your "screen?" I never read anything "on paper" any more. Some people are hesitant to admit they are like me for fear of being seen as shallow or ignorant. Hell I'll proclaim from the rooftop. I'll proclaim as someone who developed most of his literacy from reading comic books, backs of baseball cards and "Hardy Boys" mysteries. 
Library employees are unionized too. A pox on them. 
If Measure 4 passes and government gets its back truly against the wall, let's see an unrelenting push for eliminating the public employee unions, teachers first on the list. Is there still a requirement of a four-year college degree for teachers? Ridiculous. Let's eliminate it. Teachers have become mostly caretakers now. Am I saying it's an easy job? Not saying that at all but it's a "job" like any other job. It should be easier if teachers are not expected to impart knowledge so much. 
I believe the highest priorities of our public schools today should be co-curricular like with the school musical and all such stuff. I include band/choir. Let the kids have fun and feel excitement. Do I really have to argue this?
Volleyball: 'Waska 3, Tigers 1
The MACA volleyball Tigers lost Tuesday night at Minnewaska Area. We're 5-15-1. Maybe a coaching shakeup after this year? We're 1-2-1 in section, 2-10 in conference, 2-6 on the road, 2-3-1 neutral and an abysmal 1-6 in front of the home fans. Downer. 
So the Tigers were on the short end 1-3. The West Central Tribune of Willmar has "stats not available" for MACA. Why in hell are we in Morris allowing the Willlmar paper to just blow us off? The WC Trib website has thorough match stats on the 'Waska Lakers. All this makes us look bad. 
I enjoy writing about prep sports so I'll report on the Lakers. I have not been able to type the name of an MACA volleyball player all season. I used to be able to do so much better. I'm sad. 
Scores Tuesday with MACA numbers first: 22-25, 25-17, 14-25 and 20-25. 'Waska upped its conference record to 9-3. Here we go with the Lakers and congrats to them: Emma Poegel had three serving aces followed by Berlynn Green and Eliana Marthaler with two each. Then we see Brooklyn Noyes and Haillie Schulz with one each. 
The Lakers turned to Schulz in setting where she achieved 33 assists. In hitting it was Dacia Fleury setting the pace with 19 kills. Schulz and Mya Vanluik each had seven kills. Addyson Kath came through with four, then we see Avery Lewison with three, Emma Hellermann with two and Marthaler with one. 
Ace blocks! Here we see Lewison standing out for the Lakers with 3 1/2. Schulz went up to perform 1 1/2. The list continues with Kath, Green and VanLuik having one each. Green worked hard to get the team-best 21 digs. Here's the rest of that list: Fleury 18, Poegel 17, Noyes 16, Marthaler 11, Schulz 7, VanLuik 7 and Lewison 5. 
How bad is Benson volleyball? They have lost five straight all by SWEEP. I don't think Native Americans would even want to be associated with that.
Addendum: Did I see correctly that the "MATA" is sponsoring a school board candidate forum? Does that stand for "Morris Area Teachers Association?" The union? I thought the school board members answered to us the public and not to the teachers/employees. We have to put a stop to this: deferring to the special interest teachers so much.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Myth or fact about the old Coborn's?

Remember the giant Coborn's shopping cart in our Prairie Pioneer Days parade? From the days of PPD's original iteration, centered at East Side Park? Remember the exciting atmosphere on Sunday? Coborn's is gone, as is the original summer version of PPD. I bemoan the losses.
Time to get to the bottom of this: So is it myth or fact that Coborn's was going to build a new store in Morris but just wanted a liquor license? No license was forthcoming. Coborn's peeled out. Is it that simple to understand? 
This matter leads to my next question: Was Morris better off when we had two full-service grocery stores? 
The parking lot in front of Coborn's used to be such a magnet for people in this community. Surely it kept the north end of Atlantic Avenue hopping. People activity is a barometer for a small town. The parking lot drew the McDonald's customers too. And boy, hasn't McDonald's changed the complexion of its business! Even when they accept orders at the counter, I get the strong sense they do not like this. I drive past the place on my way home from breakfast in the morning and almost always see no one "dining in." 
A huge contrast with a past time. 
Inflection point
Covid seriously reduced the "people activity" here and in most other places. Since getting over the worst of covid, we have not seen a return to the previous level of people activity. Do you miss it? 
The generation of my parents would not believe how cars get lined up at the "drive through" at McDonald's and other places. Never once have I utilized this system. I learned to do it with banks during the worst of covid. But then then I'd walk up to the window instead of driving. Sitting there in an idling car for a rather long time just does not appeal to me. Furthermore I just don't see the hassle with parking the car, getting out and simply going in to the business. 
How strange am I? So I ask you: would Morris be a more well-rounded place with more than one truly full-service grocery store? Defined probably as a place that offers fruits and vegetables. We hear in the news about "food deserts" around the country. People getting their daily sustenance from "convenience stores?" 
Convenience stores have their niche and they do strive to provide a service. In the big cities I guess they can be a magnet for crime. 
How about having a town with 1 1/2 full-service grocery stores. I have to confess I have not utilized Meadowland Market in Morris. I got word a while back that the west Morris place, formerly UBC, was having problems with in-store vandalism. Sounded to me like prank-type stuff. Is west Morris just not fit for regular commercial activity? I'm old enough to remember the "LaGrand Hotel." 
The image at left shows the "LaGrand Hotel" of west Morris. (Image from "Lakes 'n' Woods")
I remember a neighborhood grocery store on the west side where I got my first baseball cards. The year had to be 1963. I can visualize the cards. 
Maybe you don't know that Morris was originally planned like Benson, to have the railroad tracks separate two sides of town that would be equals with commercial activity. Morrissites gravitated to Atlantic Avenue. This isn't to say some important business doesn't get done over by Lake Crystal. It's just different. 
West Morris is known for the museum, an odd place - sorry but it's true - because of no convenient nearby parking. We should have just forgotten about the old "Carnegie Library." That building was always more special on the outside than the inside. Actually a lot of "old" buildings are like that. 
My opinion has always been that the museum and public library should be together. We have always had the substantial open space in front of our current library. I feel I have to add the "current" tag because I remember using the prior library which is the museum now: Mom would walk me there and we'd check out books, and we had to be careful to only speak in a faint whisper or be reprimanded! We may have forgotten a lot of these old customs. My, time does pass. 
Being quiet in the library now is a gray area thing. I remember talking with Wally Behm there and his voice was conspicuous. Wally was the high school principal to the boomer generation of Morris. Every community can lionize the names of the school administrators to the unique boomer generation with its teeming numbers and endless distinctive personalities. 
Like all generations, the boomers are slowly leaving us now. We have learned humility in our advanced years. We can definitely look back and regret a lot. We may have regressed when young because we were dumbfounded about the protracted U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war. "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die?" That expression has no reference to drug use which we definitely dove into with both feet, and don't let anyone deny that to you. People with extremely distinguished resumes and important positions today: man, if you only knew the foolishness they engaged in when young! 
I sampled some of the undesirable behavior myself out of peer pressure. I had to pretend it was all really neat. Beer? Was I supposed to be some sort of connoisseur of beer and be able to tell the difference between "brands?" My peers acted like they could. "Hey I got some 'Old Mil'," someone would say. That's "Old Milwaukee." We were supposed to dismiss Hamm's which at least had neat TV commercials. I could not have cared less about all of it. We are all pulled toward the zeitgeist sometimes. I'm no exception. 
Subject at hand
"Hello Groceries." I remember that was a tune recorded by the Bill Chase band. So to save myself some work I will quote from my own emails to three people over the last 24 hours. God bless and we hope inflation stops. But it won't. Politicians promote "lower interest rates." Trump wants control over the Federal Reserve. No one now talks about the threat of hyper-inflation. This menace has taken down countries. Just thought I'd mention it.
Curly Howard
Del - Pete Rose RIP. Died from hypertension. That was Curly Howard's problem.
There were fireworks over Morris a few minutes ago. It's a shock if you're not expecting it. I don't know what the occasion was, but I'm out of the loop these days.
Caribou sure has problems, their oven has been down for four days. I checked Sunday morning and again this morning and it's no-go. No hot breakfast sandwiches.
This makes me wonder if maybe Paul could use some competition for his store in town or in the county. So is it myth or fact that Coborn's wanted to build a new store but couldn't get a liquor license?
I don't think there are any Homecoming coronation photos online. There really ought to be. You could do it yourself and use Flickr to display in a photo set. Add dreams of glory. Actually the newspaper should do it and slap some photos on website. Sue Dieter was going to go nuts with this sort of thing, scared me from standpoint of overwork. Then I solved that by resigning. If I could have stayed at paper, I would have done something like 45 coronation photo collages by now. Too bad I couldn't do it.
No monopoly business ever runs with peak efficiency. They may say they do but they don't. How many "chips" displays are at Willie's, and I'm constantly seeing the employees re-stocking the "chips." Totally empty and worthless food, addictive. If I walk in there in the evening, I'm wondering "how can I get some food for a simple meal?" Isn't that strange?

- BW
Warrenn - The oven at Caribou Coffee has been down four days. I inquired Sunday morning and I inquired Wednesday morning and the oven was down. This has happened before: stuff not working there and it doesn't get fixed fast. Even the coffee-maker.
So my point is this: are we in Morris being hurt by Willie's having almost no competition? I have actually wondered about this for a long time. Most of us have really good vibes from Paul Martin and we trust him. We trust him not to engage in price-gouging but he could do this if he wanted too. He has a monopoly for Stevens County - no other store comes close to offering what they do.
Then again there are "food deserts" in many places. Get food at convenience stores?
Frankly, no monopoly operation is ever going to be as sharp as one with competition. I think that's a truism.
I'm getting more concerned because inflation marches forward. The Federal Reserve is promising aggressive new "rate cuts" and that devalues our currency and pushes inflation up. We have to trust Paul Martin more than ever. I frankly wonder how some people are getting by.
I think one more real push of inflation and we'll see restaurants closing everywhere. Like I told you before, there is no restaurant in Morris where the waitress comes up to you and says "our soup today is. . ." I think this is remarkable. Don's Cafe is hardly a nutrition leader. If Bo decided to leave the restaurant business could he find a buyer for his place? Walk around there and look at the condition of the building's exterior. It may be getting too late for a makeover. And how about a little interior redecorating now and then?
DeToy's used to have a salad bar. They used to have a Sunday chicken buffet. They only have a buffet for Mother's Day and Easter now. Why?
Paul of Willie's, on the ball!
Getting proper nutrition is much harder. You go into Willie's and there are displays of "chips" in various places, all kinds of "chips." I see employees restocking those displays often. That stuff is junk! The store actually sells all sorts of junk.
We had Coborn's once. Is it your understanding that Coborn's was going to build a new store but they couldn't get a liquor license? Is Morris too small for two grocery stores? Didn't we once have three with the old "Holiday" where Coborn's was, and the place across from DeToy's that was Super Valu and then Mitch's? I guess Mitch's was a casualty of the Atlantic Ave. project of Mayor Lee Swanson RIP. 
I'm old enough to remember when Juergensen's Super Valu was a thriving, bustling place.
I have never bought anything at Meadowland Market and I have heard there's problems with in-store vandalism there, prank-type vandalism. I'm suspicious of West Morris in general. I guess that would include Faith Lutheran with the burned-out place right next to it, looking like Europe after WWii.
Would Caribou Coffee get its act together faster if the store had competition?
Re. the Gophers: the onside kick call was a moot point because there was a second infraction by the Gophers on the play that would have been called: touching before the ball went ten yards. I have no interest in the Gophers at present. I'm still interested in Caitlin.
The UMM campus seems dead and dormant. Has the new U president not even made a visit here yet?
I'm in a precarious position because I'm the rare breed of people who still thinks it's important to SAVE money and to get some interest paid. It is getting next to impossible. Banks have been acting like they don't care about depositor money. Such a sea change from a past time. I see where Riverwood has now changed hands. I wonder if they'll make the change to where there's only two people in the whole building when you go in. All this "noise" in the presidential campaign means nothing because I think the central issue ought to be the Federal Reserve. Should we even have that system any more? The Fed jerks interest rates around so much and it doesn't solve anything. People think "lower rates" are always the panacea and that's crap. Inflation destroyed the Roman Empire.
The Fed may be in a no-win situation and that would mean the U.S. is in a no-win situation.
So the school referendum passed. Now it looks like there's a concerted effort to get teacher-approved people on the school board. I can tell from the yard signs. I didn't fall off a turnip truck. The school district will soak us for $ more than ever.
Remember when Gail Nelson won with a write-in vote to displace Liz Harris? Our school district has such a checkered history, it's scary.
High school Homecoming this week. Can we find photos from the coronation anywhere? I used to get so fired-up about this. But there was an element that wanted me gone of course.

- BW

P.S. I realize the banks have been offering "CD specials" but the big fear is what the interest rate will be after they mature. In the past we didn't hear anything about "CD specials" because we just bought the standard CDs. I don't get it.
Jerome Powell
Jim - Jerome Powell was all over the news Monday saying the pace of rate cuts might NOT be that fast after all. Why do we accept his behavior and this system? Why is he in the news every 3-4 days with some pronouncement that comes across like it's from the heavens?
Well, Larry Summers says it won't be that easy for the Fed to pull this off. 
But why make speculative comments at all? It jerks my feelings around because I've been through situations were rates paid by banks were going down DAILY, and cascaded down to near-zero. It is very humiliating.
Isn't the dock strike looming as a catastrophe? Here's the deal: Biden ALWAYS takes the union's side. You probably know that. Totally knee-jerk. But what if the American people start getting really hurt? Then they'll realize they have a president who would never intervene against the union. And if people get mad it might open the door for Trump to win. Trump will say things like a blowhorn to promise he'd resolve it, and I actually think he would.
So what will happen? I think Kamala might engineer the 25th Amendment to get Biden removed quickly, then she can become president and do whatever it takes to keep the dock strike from causing a disaster across America. I'm serious.
- BW

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Minnewaska girls surge to 10-2 record

The Minnewaska Area Lakers are on a roll in volleyball. It's been nothing but wins since the Lakeview tournament. Nothing but 'W' after 'W' on the "Minnesota Scores" website. "Minnesota Scores" is such a go-to place for staying abreast of high school teams. 
'Waska even had three wins in the Lakeview tournament while being dealt just one blemish. The loss was to ACGC which must be loaded with talent this year. The Lakers won three times in the Sept. 7 event, over YME, Westbrook-Walnut Grove and Windom. Go Lakers! 
The "mo" kept right on going after that affair, wins over (in sequence) MACA, BOLD, Benson, WCA and Montevideo. All but one of the just-listed matches were by sweep, the one exception being the 3-1 win over West Central Area. Yes our Tigers of MACA were one of the victims. 
Had I a choice, I would be writing about MACA this morning. The big problem is that it's so hard to find timely media info on the Tigers. I can readily report on the Tuesday win by 'Waska over Montevideo at the 'Waska gym. I am happy to report on the Lakers. They're sitting at 10-2 now. They rolled past the Thunder Hawks of Montevideo by scores of 25-11, 25-10 and 25-7. Fans at 'Waska chered lustily. 
Haillie Schulz has been a leader with the 'Waska cause this fall. On Tuesday she performed six ace serves. Berlynn Green and Dacia Fleury each had two, and these Lakers one each: Brooklyn Noyes, Emma Poegel and Kyra Nelson. Schulz was the cog in setting where she performed 21 assists. Nelson supplied three while Green, Fleury and Poegel each had one. 
Look for Fleury to be a hitting leader often. And so it was in the Monte match, as this Laker had the team-best 13 kills. She was followed by Mya Vanluik 6, Emma Hellermann 5, Green 2, and these Lakers with one each: Schulz, Addyson Kath, Avery Lewison and Hailey Wesen. 
An ace block was performed by Lewison. Poegel got in position for nine digs and she was followed by Green 8 and Fleury 5. 
I have not been able to type the names of any of our MACA players this fall. We have been removed from the coverage territory of the West Central Tribune. Brett Miller is no longer at the radio station. We are left with "DeeDee." The Morris newspaper does not utilize its website for covering the Tigers - strange. 
Maybe someday the local efforts can get ramped up again. We have to be patient with our community of Morris sometimes. Sometimes even patience does not work. But nobody seems to care. A friend has always suggested an "apathy festival" for this town. The problem, he explains, is that "no one would show up for the planning meeting." Rim shot.

There is hope though
A week ago we saw the wonderful event at East Side Park where the Morris Community Band performed. Thanks to a friend for giving me the heads-up about this. Law enforcement people served up free ice cream cones. I said "thank you" to the young man even though it is my personal policy to "never talk to the police." I considered the old Morris Police Department to be a nuisance in this community. It no longer exists. 
So the band played from the Killoran stage and everyone had a good time. Lots of Hispanics there and where would we be as a community without these people? Would Republicans insult those people like they insult the Haitians? Would Michelle Fischbach? Our congressperson is joined at the hip with Donald Trump. She makes noise about "Second Amendment" and "pro-life." 
Someone please ask Fischbach if she favors the nationwide abortion ban like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell. Does Fischbach really want to see her gender diminished, not allowed to make decisions even in cases of problem pregnancies? Life-endangering pregnancies? Someone please press her on this.
Whither the Killoran stage?
Cobwebs maybe?
The Killoran stage has been notoriously under-used. "Under-used" really puts it generously. The use has been negligible. I'm tempted to say even "negligible" is too generous. How many years since the band last played there? They weren't even invited to play there in the last year of the old Prairie Pioneer Days. 
Morris can be so fundamentally incompetent about things. We had some spirit when PPD was first created. I was a part of that. Now the summer is empty. I know Kevin Wohlers has expressed concern about this. He felt PPD was a good stimulus during a time of year when things really slow down here. Our community leaders like to escape to their lake places. I fail to see what's so cotton pickin' special about a lake place. 
Is there now hope for seeing a little more use of the Killoran stage at East Side Park? No one took the trouble to arrange for any entertainment there on the night of the UMM welcome picnic. Again, apathy. Turnout seemed down for the picnic. Maybe the event will be phased out. 
Will UMM be phased out? We'd have Trump to thank because he chased away the foreign students who were our cash cow! But if Trump seizes power again - it could happen - the status of UMM might be the least of our concerns. How far will DJT go for "retribution?" Might he implement the guillotine? Oh, this has happened through world history. We are not immune. 
Liz Cheney sent to the guillotine? Mark Milley? And a whole gallery of others? The only thing that might save us from this fate is the "blue dot" of Nebraska. If you don't know what that is, look it up.
Caitlin's season is done
From an email I sent to a friend this morning:
Caitlin's season ended last night. Went 0-2 and they're out of the playoffs. Now the HUGE question is whether people can stay interested in the WNBA. My frank answer is "no." I have no interest in looking up any future games. I feel no attraction to the Lynx.
Lindsey Whalen and Janel McCarville would have been much bigger stars in the Upper Midwest if they had been more appealing with their personalities and appearance. I looked up pictures of Janel from her pro career and she looked totally "butch." If only she could have just grown her hair out a little, have a pony tail like someone else I know.
I keep dropping hints about how the radio station should do more to replace Hoffman and Miller but it's all to no avail. I drop hints about how the newspaper should put more high school stuff with their sports link. But it's all UMM. My comments fall on deaf ears. What is Mongo to do?
You know who this is.
Comment to Yah
oo! News
I share now a comment I submitted to Yahoo! News this morning (Thursday).

Today (Thursday) marks the start of the BIG TEST for the WNBA: if it can sustain increased fan interest with CC having been sent to the sidelines. My frank answer is "no." I'd like to say I'll keep looking up the playoff games on the calendar. But I doubt it. It isn't just CC's talent, it's how she is such an endearing personality. Eat your heart out NYC, she's from West Des Moines!
"Reality Bias" liked my comment.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com

Sunday, September 22, 2024

What does "Rebels" mean for D-G-F school?

Not cool anymore: the former logo for D-G-F
Very long ago my neighborhood had a naming contest for our street. Our neighborhood was new in Morris. The street sprouted along farmland run by Earn Julius. Julius was an important resident at the time, a diversified farm operator - complete with ducks in the barnyard - and public servant on the school board. I might add he knew the value of a dollar. Such were the preponderance of folks who dealt with the Great Depression. 
It's too bad so many interesting personalities of the community can fade in our collective memory. Many of them left a legacy with their wisdom. The neighborhood that came to be known as Northridge Drive sprouted out by the soils lab. It's easy to notice if you just look north from the highway in front of Homestead/Pizza Hut et al. 
My family's original neighbor to the west was the superintendent of schools, Oscar Miller. It is a fact that Mr. Miller who had a real PR personality left here in a rather ignominious way, having been faulted for some judgment with finances. Nothing corrupt, I don't think. Just questionable judgment. Too cozy with the bankers in town. Let's chalk that up as legend. In my own mind it may be closer to fact but let's put that aside as neither here nor there. 
Our next superintendent probably presented some advantages but he was no PR master. Reminds me of how Patrick Reusse of the Star Tribune once wrote that the University of Minnesota went back and forth with its football coaches, from a PR type to a more brass tacks type, and back again! Coincidence? Reusse didn't seem to think so. As a rule I do not believe in coincidences. 
Our neighborhood had the naming contest for our street and thus was created "Northridge Drive." I wonder if our little vote had legal authority. Seemed pretty informal to me. People were more relaxed in those days, had more of a sense of humor. So one of the nominations for our street name was "Rebel Ridge." 
Interesting term: "rebel." Literally it means to fight the status quo on something. That's a generalized definition. In the real world we can think of other things. We might quickly associate the term with the Civil War. Aha, that's pretty inescapable. 
Is this the answer? Revolutionary war?
So it's no wonder that the school which was our opponent for football at Big Cat Friday got caught in one of these disturbing dust-ups. Just like Benson. I was not even aware of the "controversy" at DGF until after the Friday game. Incidentally it was quite a game with the Tigers of Motown winning in triple-OT 34-32. We beat the "Rebels." They're from Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton. 
Hmmm, "Rebels." Well, DGF dug a hole for itself with this one, this nickname I mean. It wasn't just the term "Rebels" that caused a snag. It was the logo. No subtlety with this at all: heavens, a Confederate soldier. The fault here lies with the DGF school leaders who allowed the creation of this in the first place.
I realize that popular entertainment including movies and TV has historically not been so hard on the "Confederates" or "rebels." It was suggesting that these were "Americans" who became victims of an old entrenched culture. They were resisting the forces of history. Maybe the suggestion was "forgive them Lord for they know not what they do." 
Coming together
After the Civil War there were all sorts of gestures for "reconciliation." Because, we were all just going to be "Americans" again. We were led to admire Robert E. Lee some, as an exemplary leader and general. An objective view might have been to condemn his memory. So why didn't that happen? Latent racism? The Civil War was fought over slavery. So it was dodgy indeed for DGF to stick its neck out and put forward "Rebels" with the soldier symbol, gray of course. 
The questions floated around and then of course the matter reached a head. Just as it has done in our neighbor Benson. Don't you think the Benson leaders wish this mess had never happened in the first place? I get the impression that Benson needs some work with its extracurricular programs. But they're distracted by the whole "Braves" thing with the feathers. Oh my goodness the feathers! That's just not cool and if you question that, you're just not with the times. 
So what happened in D-G-F? Well, some capitulation to the changing times. But only some. So I wonder if it's enough. They aren't fooling anyone. They obviously want to stick with "Rebels" but they thought a "tweak" will be good enough. And what is that? Ahem, to try to get us to think of a "rebel" as being a Revolutionary War soldier! 
To that I say "nice try" because I have never heard the term "rebels" associated with the Continental Army under George Washington. They were independence fighters. "Rebel" is a new one for that. The DGF approach is nakedly disingenuous. I might accept their argument that it's just so cotton pickin' expensive to change logos and mascots. Benson is holding back to get $ from the "deep pockets" of the state. I suspect eventually that will come through. 
The "Caracal" cat
It would have been so nice for DGF to just change course and come up with a new moniker. There is one totally safe route for this: choose a "big cat." Are any big cat names left that haven't already been overused? Well yes and I'd like to suggest one. How about the DGF "Caracals?" Rolls off the tongue nice. The caracal is very much like a mountain lion. It can be domesticated with some risk. Not recommended.
So here's a toast to the DGF "Caracals" if they would only go that route. 
Over-arching view
Do I have to repeat my standard opinion on these matters? I don't see why nicknames and mascots are needed at all! I think they are rather regressive and juvenile. 
Epilogue to story
Let me complete my little historical tale about Northridge Drive, where I live. Many moons ago -  is that a politically incorrect expression? - we had our little vote in which "Rebel Ridge" was a candidate. Another one offered in levity was "Snob Hill" but I digress. 
The inspiration for "Rebel Ridge" was the fact that our street intersects to the west with "Yankee Ridge Road." Not sure if Yankee Ridge is an official or non-official name but it sure has been used. I guess people of English stock settled there. 
Northridge Drive goes over to where Dan Sayles has his dog kennels. If you take a right there you can drive all the way to Donnelly on a paved road. And yet a good portion of Northridge Drive is not paved. The unpaved portion can get bumpy and muddy in wet times. 
Our neighborhood is a happy enough place but we don't know each other like we all did in "the old days." I guess that pertains to neighborhoods everywhere. Were the "old days" better? Not sure about that. America let the Vietnam war go on for years. I have never recovered from that.
Is the Trump phenomenon of today any worse? I'll just say that nothing could be worse than the Vietnam war.
Regarding Trump in the present, James Carville in his current podcast notes that people who spend time close to Trump physically say he "stinks." Literally. So Carville presented a theory: "I don't think (Trump) can wipe his ass." Look at the guy. But I repeat: the Vietnam war was worse. 

- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com