What would Andy Papke, the late civics teacher at Morris High, think of our current political culture? Do the people of today even care about it? Have we become inured to what is going on?
It seems in vain to try to cry out about this, to try to issue a clarion call as it were, that our very nation could face existential danger. Shall we feel numbed as we peruse the news early this morning on May 31?
We could consider several nuggets as examples of the crass phenomena I am talking about. Oh, here's one. The mere act of Mitch McConnell admitting he'd push through a Supreme Court nominee in an election year is bad enough. But, how might a Harvard University professor call out Mr. McConnell? In a reasoned and academic manner? Oh no, we're well past that now. The individual here is Laurence Tribe, Constitutional law professor. Tribe asserted "hypocrisy" and then he added: "What a flagrant dickhead."
How would Mr. Papke digest such commentary in the national news? He is no longer with us. He is in the next life and relieved certainly to be away from all our human failings.
Background: McConnell would not allow hearings for a Democrat-nominated Justice close to an election, on principle or so he said.
Donald Trump has been a massive boil on our whole culture for some time now. We can't seem to see the forest for the trees. Trump is about to use his considerable power to ensure that interest rates get pushed back to zero. There should be alarm bells sounding. But alas, we are numbed to all the various abominations that have been coming at us.
Whither Morris with our Chamber?
I included some thoughts at the end of my final MACA softball post, on my primary blog "I Love Morris," about how maybe Morris could have Prairie Pioneer Days restored as a summer event someday. We need leadership from the Morris Area Chamber of Commerce.
There has recently been a change at the Chamber with a new executive coming in, albeit part-time, which is an issue in itself. Carolyn Peterson has evidently moved on? Was it an amicable departure? Usually in these situations, the public statements are always to the effect of "yes, amicable." I have been fully willing to state that circumstances at the time of my departure from the Morris paper were unpleasant. We all know these things happen. I have no reservations about mentioning it.
You all know from visiting my blogs that I still enjoy writing about community things like youth sports. I started doing this way back in high school. Our family monument at Summit Cemetery identifies me as a "journalist." And I'll have you know, my outlets for this have gone well beyond my 27 years with the Morris paper. In the years prior to that, I applied my journalistic energy in many ways.
Above the word "journalist" on the monument you will see "caregiver" and that's higher for a reason: It was my most important role, even though I realize that many people in this community condemned me for years for "living with my parents." These same people will not condemn Donald Trump for any reason. Community icon Neil Schmidgall has a big "Trump" flag flying outside his residence. I can't help but say "heaven help us all."
I sent a friendly email to Carolyn in February sharing about how another community, Burlington IA, put together such a fun promo video: various leaders dancing to a popular song. I was surprised that I got no answer, not even a "thanks for sharing." I worked with Carolyn in "the old days."
The new Chamber exec is Kolby Gausman who I do not know. Would you like to see the video for Burlington IA? Well, it sure is easy to share a link so here it is. This will put a smile on your face.
Since my communications to the Chamber go unanswered, I inquired with a friend about what's going on there. Part of this inquiry had to do with the cancellation of Prairie Pioneer Days in summer, just in case that was a factor. No one ever accuses me of being Pollyannish. Here is what my friend shared, and note that he uses the word "dismember" in a spirit of levity.
Yes, Carolyn resigned a few weeks ago. I think I heard why, but can’t dismember. Maybe she found a full-time job? I don’t understand why the chamber manager is a part-time position – you’d think the Chamber would want a person in that office full time. Out-of-towners looking for information on where to live or work can’t always be expected to go to that office during the 25 hours per week it’s open. I think I told you about a friend of mine from Alexandria who wanted to open an office in Morris, was looking for information on available office space in town, and could never get ahold of anyone in the chamber office after many calls and even an ill-fated visit attempt. So, she just opened an office in Alex instead. No, changes in administration don’t have anything to do with the PPD move (I don’t think). The office manager has been a part-time position for a long time, maybe Carolyn just got tired of the situation. I would think that having a full-time person in the office representing Morris would be a good thing, but what do I know? (don’t answer that)
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Andy as we remember him |
I would describe Mechelke as a "dickhead." Don't speak ill of the dead? Well, how does President Trump speak about John McCain? And, at least one very important community member finds it apt to fly a big "Trump" flag where he lives. I was an admirer of Barack Obama but I would never fly a flag with "Obama." It is not good for your mental health to appear so subservient to a charismatic leader.
- Brian Williams - morris mn minnesota - bwilly73@yahoo.com